Groundhog Bites Mayor: Jimmy The Groundhog Bites Wisconsin Mayor's Ear Live On TV [VIDEO]

Groundhog Bites Mayor - Jimmy, the official groundhog in Sun Prairie, WI, had more than just the weather to predict on Monday, after he bit the mayor's ear (probably for not listening attentively) live on television.

The Groundhog Day celebration saw Mayor Jonathan Feund participating in the annual tradition - in which Jimmy would determine if spring will arrive early or if winter would persist in the southern Wisconsin town.

The Mayor met with Jimmy and it's handlers to officially declare the rodent's predication. But not only did the groundhog predict six more weeks of winter it also bit the Feund's ear.

The awkward incident was captured live and has since gone viral. Freund cringed as Jimmy bit his ear. And this was probably because the mayor was about to make a crucial mistake and declare than the groundhog had predicted the early arrival of spring.

According to reports, Jimmy's handlers, Jerry and Maria Hahn intervened, pointing out to the mayor that the groundhog had predicted six more weeks of winter instead of the Freund's earlier statement.


However, authorities in Sun Prairie would not let the groundhog win the day. City officials later issued a statement on the incident, saying that only the mayor can translate Jimmy the groundhog's weather prediction.

Reports indicate that Jimmy's super famous relative Punxsutawney Phil, has buttressed his weather prediction. On Monday, in Pennsylvania, Punxsutawney Phil predicted that there would be another month and a half of winter after seeing a shadow.

Punxsutawney Phil has seen its shadow nearly a 100 times and has an accuracy rate of 39 per cent. The Groundhog Day was first celebrated on Feb. 2, 1887, at Gobbler's Knob, 65 miles northeast Pittsburgh.

The annual event, which is widely celebrated in other parts of the U.S. and Canada, was started by German settlers who arrived in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania in the 1700s - continuing the long held Germanic tradition of Candlemas.

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