Jennifer Lopez, CAA iPad Dance App: Gets Fingers Dancing [VIDEO]

Jennifer Lopez has teamed up with mobile startup Moonshark to bring users a new game for iPads called DancePad.

The game is a relative of Dance Dance Revolution, a game where players try to keep up with dance routines in order to earn high scores.

DancePad adds a little twist to the Dance Dance Revolution idea by having fingers, rather than legs, do the dancing. Using fingers to dance works well for the tablet format.

Moonshark was created by the Creative Artists Agency (CAA), one of the biggest talent agencies in Hollywood responsible for aiding in the careers of big named celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Jennifer Aniston, Robert Downey Jr., Brad Pitt and many others.

Moonshark is CAA's way of attempting to make an impact on not only the entertainment industry, but also the growing mobile games market as well.

Moonshark is reported to be working on a game with film director John Woo for release in the coming months.

Lopez serves as the producer and marketing face of the product, which is well fitting given her successful previous career as a dancer on television show In Living Color.

The original game was created several years ago by students from the University of Southern California's GamePipe Lab.

DancePad will be made available to users free to download, with higher levels available for $2.99

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