New York Chick-Fil-A Temporarily Closes After Christmas Eve Health Inspection

 As of Monday, Chick-Fil-A has remained close. After certain violations had been found by city health officials, the store delays its date of being open to the people once again. Company spokesperson Carrie Kurlander said that the store voluntarily closed to create some changes to the operations. She added that she did not know when it will reopen.

"There is a little more work to be done from a facilities, maintenance and retraining standpoint, so we have decided to remain closed today until we believe everything exceeds standards," Kulander tells the New York Times via email. She also added that the presence of flies was one of the biggest concerns among the six violations that the city health department have listed. They included: Cold food item held above 41°F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38°F) except during necessary preparation; food not cooled by an approved method whereby the internal product temperature is reduced from 140°F to 70°F or less within 2 hours and from 70°F or less within 4 additional hours.

Basing on the system, each and every food joint in the city gets two chances of getting an "A" grade during inspections. If the restaurant fails to get an A during the first inspection, it is allowed to have another shot. The health department official said that a restaurant is closed down whenever a public hazard is found.

In the report, it was also mentioned that the protection of food from contamination should be worked on more. May it be during preparation, storage, transportation or display, soiled washing cloths that are not sanitized should be prohibited from being used. The company stated that they are currently making upgrades to the facilities and equipment and an independent consultant to evaluate their changes on the store's website.

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