Sylvester Stallone Says He Will Not Reprise Role as Rambo In Action Movie Series

Despite his statements for years about working on a script for "Rambo V", The 69-year-old actor, screenwriter and film director Sylvester Stallone has revealed in an interview with Variety that he has no plans of reprising his role as the skilled U.S. Army Special Forces soldier.

Stallone told Variety that even though his heart is willing, his body says 'Stay home!'. "It's like fighters that go back for one last round and get clonbered. Leave it to someone else," he added. 

The star also explained that he was very satisfied with the turn-outs of the previous films, and felt that it was probably going to be the last decent film of the action genre that he's ever going to do as a solo act. Stallone added that he never felt the same willingness to do it again after his accomplishment. 

Here's what he had to say: "You know when you realize there's nothing more to pull out? As an action film, I was very satisfied that it dealt with the Burmese situation. It had one foot in a currnt event, the longest civil war in history, 65 years at that time. It was so brutal, which civil war is. I was shocked they even gave me an R-rating. I didn't want to compromise. I said, 'This is probably going to be the last decent film of this genre that I'm going to do as a solo act.' When that was accomplished, I never felt the same willingness to do it again. There's nothing left. When they asked me to do another 'Rambo', I said, 'If I can't do better than I did last time, and I can't, then why'?"

It definitely sounds like Stallone is acknowledging how his age would affect his performance, which is a good thing because taking care of oneself is a big deal.

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