Chelsea Handler Says Justin Bieber Was Her Worst Interview Of All Time

It was not that he was shy that made Chelsea Handler thought Justin Bieber was the worst, but because he kept flirting with her the whole time and it made her feel uncomfortable, reports Variety on Monday. 

The American comedian and host took to the Variety's Sundance Film Festival Studio how she felt like a child molester around the 21-year-old popstar. She even thanked Bieber for clearing up the fact that she is actually not attracted to 'a child'.

Handler, being outspoken as she has always been, debuts her talk show in Netflix this year. She added that she would not be interviewing a lot of celebrities because they are guarded and 'can't reveal anything'. Despite having a talk show on E! called Chelsea Lately which featured A-listers from 2007 to 2014, she admits that she does not watch the show. She also insisted that she is 'allergic' to the Kardashians.

She also admitted how she did not have any other interest in other networks after her E! series. She said that Netflix was her only prospect. "I just thought, if you're going to be in the entertainment industry at all, try to keep it interesting because we're not doing anything that important," she added. 

Handler also shared her thoughts on this year's Oscar's which consisted of mostly white actors. In her words, Chris Rock hosting it tears everyone apart. She thinks it is a perfect confluence of events. She also added that she would never take on the gig herself. A segment in her new doc regarding racism was brought up, in which she responded with her belief that everyone is racist. "I wanted to... do something fun with this, even though it's such a serious, sad topic. Handler also stated that she endorses Donald Trump but will never become a Republican. 

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