‘Vikings’ Season 4 Update: Aging Ragnar To Die in Season 5?

The promotion of the second part of History Channel's Vikings Season 4 television series features the aging main protagonist Ragnar Lothbrok at the twilight of his ruling years. The ten-episode season segment, which will air in April of 2017, is seemingly geared towards a much climactic Season 5 development - the possible death of Ragnar himself.

The possibility is already slowly building itself throughout the first part of Season 4. The recurring theme of the first segment was centered on Ragnar's overwhelming difficulties.

His wife and younger children were plotting against him. His brother betrayed him over to the French. The drug addiction even added to his physical and moral decay.  

The Movie News Guide reports that part 2 of Season 4 concentrates on the complete 360-degree reversal of Ragnar's character - from 'strong and cunning' to 'weak and vulnerable'. Certain shifts in position and perspective are also expected from other main characters like the legendary shield maiden Lagertha and raider-turned-nobleman Count Rollo.

An even more intriguing development is revealed in a comparative chronicle by Parent Herald. Avid fans have already pieced together the impending doom of Ragnar Lothbrok through one of the core characters - the eccentric Floki.

Rumors already circulate regarding Floki's colossal role in Season 5 as Kattegat's newly appointed seer. In several online forum discussions, fans have pointed certain dubious scenes of interaction between the incumbent seer and Floki in Season 3.

Curiously, Travis Fimmel has played other roles, including Anduin Lothar in the film adaptation of the video game franchise Warcraft. However, the Australian actor-model starts to leave an indelible mark in contemporary pop culture as legendary Norse king Ragnar Lothbrok, possibly overshadowing other future motion picture portrayals.

Fans of Vikings anticipate the upcoming developments in the second part of Season 4, and how it helps shape the much-awaited Season 5.