'Pokemon GO' News & Update: No More Updates Due To Low Ratings? The Augmented Reality Game Loses Its True Purpose

By Michael Cox | Dec 18, 2016 06:28 AM EST


There is no doubt that "Pokemon GO" is the alpha when it comes to mobile games. However, the recent updates that Niantic has been releasing seem to drag the augmented reality game down the pit. Some even say that the gameplay is losing its true purpose.

No more walking, No more street hunting

One of the best things about "Pokemon GO" is that it's not some boring game where the gamer just sit, eat chips, and tap the screen. The main reason why people love it is that it allows them to engage the game physically and more actively by roaming the street, hunting for Pokemon just like what Ash does. It's a game that makes the gamers feel like they are more productive.

However, as Niantic toss in new updates time after time, it seems that people are becoming more and more upset due to poor updates, as per the report by GameNGuide. One of the updates that really upset the fans was the Pokemon Nearby Tracker. Players expect it to detect Pokemon that are in close proximity. However, according to VG24/7, the update is glitched. It detects Pokemon that are a kilometer away but misses the wild Pokemon that are actually just behind the player. One of the reasons for this is the fact that there is now more and more PokeStops.

Another latest update that is making headlines is the Gen 2 Pokemon. While the expectations were high, many are upset about how the announcement becomes so different from the actual update. Players expect the Gen 2 Pokemon to be out in the wild but it seems that it's only up for hatching. Some also say that there are no Gen 2 Pokemon in sighting and that the announcement was a total debunker. Here is a report by Jobs & Hire.

Because of this, many are speculating about further support for the game. As rating continues to drop and players become less interested, there are rumors that "Pokemon GO" may be heading towards its last few updates before the support is finally stopped.

Niantic designed the game to spear people from obesity and consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle. However, it seems that the software development company is losing its grip.

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