Comprehensive Economic And Trade Agreement (CETA) News: Europe (EU) - Canada Trade Agreement To Be Signed Tomorrow; More Savings For Exporters

The European Union has spent most of its time in the world's hot seat after the United Kingdom, through a referendum, decided to exit the said union. The campaign on Brexit (Britain's Exit) remained to be this year's highlight but it seems like another agreement with another country is set to happen this week. 

With the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau set to attend the signing of the long-delayed CETA, it is indeed a victory for both parties to have finally decided to end the negotiation and finally sign the agreement between the European Union and the Canada. 

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) has been approved by the European Union after achieving the consensus - all the member states (28 member states) of the European Union agreed to endorse the said agreement. 

While there are protesters on the agreement, especially the people in Belgium, it is rest assured that the regional concerns of each and every member states of the European Union will be resolved and addressed properly. 

According to the BBC, through the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the European Union and Canada, 98 percent of the tariffs will be eliminated, and it is believed to help the exporters coming from the members of the European Union have more savings. 

The Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement will be a huge help to the population of Wallonia, Canada and the people in the states under the European Union as the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico said, "The Ceta represents a modern and progressive deal, opening the door to new opportunities, while protecting important interests." 

A huge milestone for the European Union, great news for the Canadian peoples, and a door to new opportunities to save and earn money for all the stakeholders of the EU-Canada's Economic and Trade Agreement. 

CETA, the said agreement, is set to be signed tomorrow, October 30, 2016, at a summit in Brussels. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other leaders from the member states of the EU are expected to attend the said historical event.

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