Study Abroad: How It Boost Self-Belief For A Better Future

One’s educational attainment matters in the real world. Being able to get a good education is important but given a chance to study abroad can make a big difference. Studying abroad can help boost self-belief that can help in having a better and more successful future.

According to ScienceDirect, there is a new study called “International experience makes a difference: Effects of studying abroad on students' self-efficacy” participated by 221 students from Leuphana University Lüneburg in Germany. The study is conducted in order to know whether those students who study abroad have greater self-efficacy.

The perceived self-efficacy was measured from the group of students who went to study for one semester and from those who stayed at their campus in Germany. The study was able to show that those students who went abroad to study have an increased ability to cope with challenges and go through difficult tasks. Given the exposure, they are less likely to see new culture and environment as a threatening challenge.

Aside from that, those students who studied abroad also have a wider social network. They are able to meet more social contacts every week, which is considered as a contributing factor for them to have a higher level of self-efficacy. However, it was not certain if the number of contacts and quality of socializing had an influenced on how they adapt to a new culture.

University Herald shared that those students who have higher self-efficacy are able to deal with stress accordingly. With that, they have more chances to reach their goals and succeed. These students will now have a higher level of life’s satisfaction because of what they have achieved. The study gives a better understanding on how studying abroad can strengthen one’s self-belief and self-growth.

Meanwhile, Jobs & Hire reported that there are a lot of fake job ads circulating that are intended to victimize college students. It is very important for students as well as job seekers to identify whether the job offer is bogus or not.

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