Do You Really Need Personnel Policies and Regulations?

By Jose de la Cruz | Feb 22, 2016 06:50 AM EST


Organizations, especially commercial entities need to have clearly stated policies and regulations to be able to conduct their businesses in accordance with the laws of the land, and also to be able to accomplish their goals in the most effective, organized and fastest way.

Why Are There Company Policies and Regulations

Policies are general guidelines that are designed to manage and regulate all the actions of its employees and its officers. Regulations, on the other hand, are procedures that establish specific methods for doing things, such as accomplishing a report, conducting of performance evaluations and so forth.

Types of Policies

Policies are the set of information that all employees need to since these things govern their dress code, hours and days of work, break times, vacation and sick leaves, use of office equipment and so forth. They also include management and supervisory policies.

Relations Between Policies and Regulations

Whenever there is a policy, it is usually accompanied by a regulation. The two always go together, meaning there is not one without the other. For instance, whenever there is a company policy that prohibits absenteeism, it should be accompanied by provisions when someone is charged with that infraction.

That is why in most companies, the two are clustered together in one company document. Most business entities and organizations include both the policy and regulations in just one company manual or booklet.

Policies and Regulations are Subject To Change

Since the character of the workplace is always changing, there is a need to modify the policies and regulations of a company. These matters should adapt to the changes that the world is undergoing every time. For instance, more and more people now are opting for remote working. Therefore, new policies and regulations must be drafted so that a company can still maintain its control of its employees even if there are new modifications in the way they do their work.

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