The Perfect Career: How To Make Your Career Happen, Ingredients For Success

By J. Navarra | Mar 23, 2016 12:42 PM EDT


Every working professional has been plagued with personal questions that left them demoralized, uninspired and even unmotivated. Even Huffington Post's writer Beverly Troxtell has had that experience. Which is why she wanted everyone to know that the scared little voice in your head is just the fear talking.

Tick off the questions below, if ever you have asked them yourself.

  • "What if you aren't as qualified as other candidates since you don't have x, y, or z."
  • "What if you fail?"
  • "What if people don't follow you?"
  • "What if people don't like you?"
  • "What if the recruiter doesn't like your demands?"
  • "What if you aren't considered since you are a telecommuter?"
  • "What if you're not perfect?"

Did that/those questions stop you from pursuing your perfect or dream career?

Chances are, your fears overpowered your courage and that scared little voice in your head, as told by Troxtell, is saying you're not good enough to be hired. It's experience that makes a man or a woman successful and you can't become successful if you don't even try to take the first step. You may stumble at the first try, but it's important that you learn. So here are some notes you need to "Make Your Career Happen," as posted by Huffington Post.

1. Be able to pitch your career path. Know what it is that you want and what you excel at, so that you could authentically pitch it to anyone, anytime in a 1-minute elevator ride.

2. Be curious and ask the dumb questions. In truth, they're not dumb and you should pose them all. You just think they are. Inject some humor if it makes you comfortable.

3. Be candid and voice what you want. Don't anticipate rejection or disappointment. Expect the opposite.

4. And above all, BE COURAGEOUS! Don't make excuses about your pit falls. Stand tall, confident, and share examples about how you've been successful.

These ingredients will force you to make uncomfortable risks and eventually succeed.

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