r: What To Expect After Captain America's Civil War Film?

By Din Rose | Nov 04, 2016 06:49 AM EDT


Marvel Studios is rolling the wheel for the first Black Panther Movie after its starring on Captain America's Civil War Movie. Prince T'Challa -Chadwick Boseman in real life- the backup story will be focused as a standalone film, moreover his new role as a king in the aftermath of Civil War will be the highlight.

A lot of recent news have surfaced about Prince T'Challa's movie since its announcement this year, cast and some others were the focused of the reports. But, little is known will be the turn of events for Black Panther in his solo film picking up the pieces of CAP's movie.

Joe Robert Cole, one of the writers, on Slash Film, explained that the movie's plot would begin shortly after the events in Civil War.

In the prior movie, Panther was seen with his father; he wasn't the head leader by then. Immediately upon the turn of events, he got the role. Game Spot described his father's death as the key that set his whole life in a new direction, hence his adventures as Wakandas'King and as Black Panther.

Digital Spy hinted that Lupita Nyong'o deliberately slip information about the film:

"The story of this Black Panther is - what am I allowed to say? - that the Black Panther's leadership is really threatened by two foes who come together, and so Black Panther gets the help of the CIA and the Dora Milaje to try and defeat the enemy," she said.

In the 2015 Marvel movie, the Avenger and Capt. America team were torn in between. With Panther in the big screen, he became both the groups' voice of reason. Now his voice as king will be rounding up this newest Black Panther Marvel film. He will be battling two enemies threatening Wakanda as a nation.

The film that will feature Wakanda's nation and hero will be released on February 9, 2018, in the UK and February 16, 2018, in the US. Beyond that, make it sure to be updated on more Black Panther Movie exclusives.

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