Money-Saving Tips: 5 Simple Ways To Save Money In 2017

By Vivienne Ganmerc | Jan 02, 2017 04:00 PM EST


The New Year is here, and many people are hopeful that 2017 will be a good year for their health, careers, relationships, and finances. Many are determined to be better in all these aspects of their lives, and among the four, experts agree that one's finances may be the easiest to fix and improve--if only people will take the time to follow some simple money-saving tips.

Increasing one's savings doesn't need to be painful, as many equate savings with making sacrifices. Though it will take some lifestyle adjustments to get you financially secure in 2017, there are some simple ways that you can do to save money this year.

Make a budget

Sit down and list all of your monthly expenses, and this would include your rent, utilities, and groceries. Include a budget for a monthly treat, such as a night out to the movies, so you don't feel deprived while saving money. When you know where every cent of your hard-earned money goes, it's easy to determine a set amount which you can put away in a savings account.

Plan your meals before grocery shopping

Planning your meals for the week will benefit your finances as well as your overall health. List down your menu as well as the ingredients needed for each dish--that way, you'll only buy what you need at the market or grocery store.

Stick to your grocery list

Many people are surprised when their grocery total is totally off their estimate, and this happens when one grabs items off the shelves before consulting a grocery list. Make a list and resolve to stick to it, no matter how tempting it is to toss additional items into your cart.

Rethink your cable and Internet plans

Do you really need to watch more than 300 TV channels? Rethink your cable plan and switch to services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, which cost less than regular cable plans. The same goes for Internet plans. If you merely use the net to surf websites and check on your social media accounts, then it's likely that you don't need the premium plans.

Learn to DIY

Learning to do a home beauty treatment, such as manicures and pedicures, will benefit your wallet in the long run. Crafting gifts instead of buying them from the store will also result in more savings by the end of the year.

For more money-saving tips, check out Jobs & Hire's report on the signs that you're living beyond your means.

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