More Well-Paid Careers That Need Less Preparation

By R S Ali | Mar 12, 2016 07:22 AM EST


Changing careers is something everyone hopes they will never have to do, but sometimes, you find yourself in a situation where the only way is out. Fortunately, not all careers require you to go back to school and get years of training. Following our last foray at the subject, here are a few more careers, courtesy of Monster, that are quick to change to and can pay well, too.

1.Prospect Researcher

Believe it or not, this is an actual job title. Non profits need big name donors. Big name donors need to be found. This requires a lot of research and sometimes months of networking, digging and contact building. Since the work of a non profit is manifold, most of them hire independent researchers and rely on their intel to find out and put to use a wealthy donors' or companies' hobbies, likes and dislikes, and past donations. Your salary as a prospect researcher can range from $30,000 for those new to the industry up to $80,000 for experienced professionals.

To get this kind of a job, it will help you get a leg up if you have volunteered for a nonprofit. However, it will also work if you have a strong record of business development or if you have been a part of a political campaign and have done outreach in the past. You will need strong research skills and some serious social media savvy.

Find out more at the Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement

2. Patient Advocate

It is not uncommon for people to feel lost when dealing with the healthcare system. Feelings of being confused and not understanding anything are very common, along with feeling like there is a wide gap between the system and the patient, which is where a patient advocate plays a role. A patient advocate educates patients and family members about dealing with healthcare providers, doctors, insurance companies and the like. The patient advocate is basically a liaison between the patient and the system. This job mostly features self-employment, but patient advocates can also work for hospitals, clinics and insurers. Salaries range from about $25,000 to over $70,000.

To do this job, you will need a complete and in-depth understanding of hospitals, insurers and patients. Advocates often have a background of the business side (insurance and billing) or the medical side (nursing is common). Social workers can also turn advocates - so can people who have navigated the healthcare system themselves while caring for a loved one.

For more Information, go to the page for the National Patient Advocate Foundation

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