Ways To Make Sure You Remain Professionally Up To Date

By R S Ali | Mar 26, 2016 11:00 AM EDT


Seeing as how you are going to be pursuing the same career for years and years, it is vital that you keep yourself from becoming a dinosaur. Staying up to date with the industry you work for and staying relevant are very important things. Monster suggests a few ways to do just that.

To stay relevant you will not only need to look at your industry narrowly but more broadly at other related skills with industries your career overlaps with. You will need knowledge of computer skills - basics, for sure - but the more advanced, the better. You will definitely need to stay up to date with the technology needed for your own job, and any recent research, methodologies and methods.

You need to stay relevant because you have to view how your career fits in with your industry's changes. You should know the movers and shakers of your industry, the big players, the trends.

Be in control of your education

Networking events, industry events and exhibitions/fairs can actually be much more educational than formal studies and certifications can. Make it a point to at least attend one Industry event a year. Look at local chapters of professional associations and join. The membership fee will be well worth it with access to educational programs as well as some great networking opportunities.

1.Subscribe to newsletters and participate in forums.

Join the industry conversation that is going on to stay ahead of the latest.

2.Make friends

Do not underestimate the power of networking, but you don't have to be blatant about it. Go diverse where your network is concerned. Make friends with people not in the same company or even in the same industry as you - you never know when you might need them. Mix up your friends in terms of age, race, gender.

3.Make staying up to date your priority

Unless you are super motivated and very enthusiastic and passionate and really, really want to stay relevant, there is no way you will be able to. Like all other things that matter, make it a priority. Make yourself believe it is important to you, and fight for it. Set aside a certain amount of time for it regularly so you don't have to do it all at once in a very short time in total chaos when you actually need it. 

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